Preschool is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.15am until 12:15pm. Preschool is only open during term-time (Solihull LEA) and may close in accordance with the local primary school inset days to enable staff training and development. 24 places are available, with ratios of one adult to four children (under 3) and one adult to eight children (over 3).
From September 2024, fees are £21 per 3 hour session and are reviewed annually. The session fee is made up of two components, the first to cover the cost of childcare (£16.00) and the second is a consumables charge to cover the cost of daily snacks, resources and materials, etc. (£5.00)
There is a non-refundable £30 registration fee payable upon registration. The registration fee includes a Preschool t-shirt which you will receive on your child’s first day. You will receive an invoice at the beginning of each half-term, which is payable within 7 days. Unfortunately, due to staffing requirements, fees remain payable in the case of a child’s absence including illness and holidays.
Funding is available for eligible 2 and 3 year olds – please contact us for more information.
Funding is also available via and at the discretion of the Fentham Trust.